Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sugar Rush!

It's been 2 weeks since I found out that I have diabetes but before that I already have a feeling that there is something wrong in my system. I had the symptoms months ago but I just tried to ignore it. Maybe it was a blessing that I found it so that I can start taking care of myself. I have depression almost everyday! I am just trying to act normal because I don't want everyone to notice it. I don't want my husband and kids got affected. I am very sensitive lately to almost everything. Hubby started to notice it and he is really helping me to cope.

About the medication, I stopped taking the meds immediately when I found out that it will just damage my liver. During the first day when I took the meds I got stomachache, palpitations and I almost lose consciousness. So I decided to stop the medication and I only want the natural way of controlling my diabetes.

I've been reading a lot online about diabetes and so far I learn a lot at the same time scared. I am now aware of the complications of diabetes and I am so worried about it. My father died because of liver cancer and because of that I don't want to risk my liver, because I might have a weak liver. Well.. talking about genes. So I am just trying to prevent it to happen.

I found out that diet, exercise and some other natural products is helpful so I have to try it first. I am also checking my blood sugar many times a day. My lowest blood sugar so far is 178 and the highest is 380. The normal is 120 - 140.

I am exercising 3 times a week and stayed 2 hours at the gym. I am happy that hubby joined too. Losing weight is very important to lower my blood sugar.

I hope everything will turn out okay soon. Please pray for me!

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