I had my shopping spree today before the big event next week. We went to Greenhills to purchase hubby and Gareth's outfit for the event. We also went to S&R for few items.
So far, everything is ready!
The event is our little way of giving thanks to God for all the blessings. For the past 11 years of our lives together (with hubby) we went through some difficult moments. There are moments that I thought I can't go on anymore but with God's help and grace we are still together.
Gareth moment:
When I was pregnant with Gareth that was the moment we were overjoyed! We always wanted to have kids. Though Gareth has a condition right now that sometimes broke me as a mom but still I have to stand still for him and it didn't stop us thanking God for everything.
Pillow moment:
Pillow came unexpectedly but in my mind I planned her! I always wanted to have a baby girl. A girl that make us all laugh. Pillow not just made us laugh but she also brought tears to us.. happy tears! We are so amazed of her little ways and I am so happy to have her.
My Husband
He is someone I always prayed for. When I was younger, I always find myself praying for not a perfect husband but for someone I can be with for the rest of my life. So thankful that God answered my prayer. He always see to it that I am happy. He also take care for us. He is a hands on Dad to our kids. He changes kids diapers, put them to bed, cooked us delicious meals, make us laugh, comforted us and continue loving us. He is also a good provider and a perfect husband!
I wish to celebrate this event to all the people who loves us, who cared for us and stays with us all through out this year!
Peeps!! please come and let us celebrate!
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